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“The Ultimate Survival Blueprint to Love and Money”



"Love is the stock exchange of human emotion and if it were to be defined as a commodity it would be the most traded share in the world.


Our relationships do not have a Price-Earnings Ratio and an equitable return cannot be defined in any currency.


Yet, on average we spend more time and effort analyzing the effects consequential to the decisions we make concerning our love life, than on almost any other type of investment.


Though we seldom recognize or discuss money as a factor, it is cited as the most probable cause for divorce or relationship breakups.

Yes, simply put’s usually about the money!"

Money Is The Hardest word


 In most relationships and global surveys confirm that the issue is a very difficult topic for couples to approach in an open and honest way. It would seem that for our share of love we are willing to take all the risks associated with keeping our stake in the partnership, even if it means we have to lie and cheat to do so.


According to the surveys more than 40% of married couples admit to lying to their partners about money and 70% of that grouping believe it’s ok to do so.


Somehow our money and our self-worth are linked inextricably to the knot that binds us to our partners in love. Further findings of the global survey reveals that men are prepared to do anything to avoid talking about finances, with almost a third (20%) preferring to answer questions about their partners’ personal appearance rather than the ones about money. Women on the other hand are more likely to ask their partners for careers advice (44%). Money indeed seems to be the hardest word.


Worries about money also keep us awake at night and finances are top of the list of night-time worries with concerns about careers and health matters taking a secondary place. Financial insomnia, the lies we tell each other about how much we spend on luxuries and our credit card spending habits all work together to form the very thing we dread the most - the break up.

The Love & Money Blueprint

“Trade arguments for Prosperity”


This innovative, life-changing  “Love & Money blueprint” will forever improve your relationship. Its unique approach does not offer a quick fix, rather, an evolutionary process that will teach you how to make your money life work in a way that fosters a strong, committed, lifelong partnership.


During volatile economic times couples need a loving relationship to buffer the tough times.  You'll learn how to work together in a financial partnership focused on communication and not panic.  Although your money situation may seem overwhelming right now, it will work itself out with honest and open communication and through supporting one another.


Don’t let money secrets destroy your marriage; the methods, strategies and skills you learn by creating your blueprint will last for a lifetime.

Money Does Matter


Rarely will the amount of money you have or don’t have make a difference to a love partnership. It’s more about the relationship you and your partner have with money that matters. For women in particular, money like success, is an emotionally volatile and complicated issue.  Money decisions are often made from a place of fear, ignorance or habit instead of from a place of knowledge.


Whilst issues around money represents the number one reason for conflict in relationships; for most people money is never just money. It is a tool to accomplish some of life’s goals, it is love, power, happiness, security, control dependency, independence, freedom and more. Usually, when the button of money is pressed, deeper issues emerge that have long been neglected. As a result, money matters present an amazing opportunity for awareness and growth.


Childhood influences and the values we were brought up with will greatly affect our attitude towards money. When our belief system around money is different from that of our partner it’s essential to agree on who is going to manage the income and expenditure.


Your financial agreement may well become the relationship blueprint to happiness and everlasting love.


Within the context of this agreement the basic parameters of budget priorities such as the spend on household essentials, leisure and entertainment, holidays, hobbies, monthly bill allocations and savings and future goals need to be determined and set. 


Couples also need to be respectful that their individual attitudes towards money may be vastly different. For example: for one party money may represent enjoyment and for spending on things that bring happiness today; whilst for the other person in the relationship, money may be about security and putting some funds aside for a rainy day.


Arguments about money may also disguise our sense of power and value within the relationship, especially if our partner has greater access to capital and higher spending ability. This is especially hurtful when there is no consideration what the money is being spent on.


Mostly successful relationships are about equal influence where there are no unfair advantages in play despite one or the other having greater access to capital or income from earnings.  Partners should never be left to feel indebted because they are unable to contribute equally to the financial running of the household, or made to feel worthless because they cannot afford to buy expensive gifts and treats.

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